Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Monkey: Chris Peavey; Gorilla: Josh Copper; Neanderthal: Me.

In the time since I last blogged, I have been to a family reunion in Michigan, a wedding in Montana, left alone at the house for a weekend, had the thermostat that controls our central air & heat break on me, neglected my lawn mowing duties to the point that I had to raise my mower in order to get through the weeds, and numerous other things that various people might find interesting and/or humorous. However, i have not blogged about any of them. It's not that I don't want to blog about them, it's more like I don't think I have the time to (I actually do, I just like to tell myself that I'm too busy). I'm not going to apologize for not blogging - if I do that, my blog will probably be nothing but apologies. However, if you've been wondering why I haven't been - there ya go.

I've been thinking about starting a comic and posting a strip on here every week. Or month, knowing my motivation. In the next several weeks, I may draw up some character profiles and post them. I've been wanting to do a comic for a while now, I've just haven't been able to decide on a setting for it (and I still haven't - I probably won't decide on one until right before I start the first strip - I'm also open to suggestions). I'd like to try to avoid the creativity trap of "dreaded continuity." In other words, I'd like for each strip to be able to stand out on it's own, without the reader having to have read all previous strips in order to understand what's going on. I'm not saying that comics that use continuity to tell stories aren't creative, they're just too constricting for me, and since I'm not terribly creative to begin with, I need as much freedom as possible. This is a pretty big deal for me, as I haven't done something like this for a quite a while - and now that I've blogged about it, it's even more likely to happen.


bluggier said...

This should be interesting...number 1, to see if you actually start it, and number 2, to see what you come up with.

You can always sell the hay you make by mowing the tall grass. The only problem is that most people want it in bales....

Scotty said...

Yeah, if only you had a baler for the Minnie.